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Gelezen in 2011

[26 november 2011]
Niccolló MACHIAVELLI (1513)
De vorst
[13 november 2011]
Hans ACHTERHUIS (1999)
Politiek van goede bedoelingen
[4 november 2011]
Hans ACHTERHUIS (2010)
De utopie van de vrije markt
[12 oktober 2011]
Thomas J. MISA (2010)
Gender codes – Why women are leaving computing
[2 oktober 2011]
Naomi KLEIN (2007)
The shock doctrine - The rise of disaster capitalism
[19 september 2011]
Steven E. JONES (2006)
Against technology – From the Luddites to Neo-Luddism
[16 september 2011]
Carl MITCHAM (1994)
Thinking through technology - The path between engineering and philosophy
[9 september 2011]
Franz MEHRING (1921)
Karl Marx – Geschiedenis van zijn leven
[30 augustus 2011]
Amy E. WENDLING (2009)
Karl Marx on technology and alienation
[29 augustus 2011]
Stephen WALKER (2005)
Shockwave – Countdown to Hiroshima
[22 augustus 2011]
Jan OLSEN ea (2009)
A companion to the philosophy of technology
[28 juli 2011]
Maarten VERKERK ea (2007)
Denken, ontwerpen, maken – Basisboek techniekfilosofie
[18 juli 2011]
Hans ACHTERHUIS ea (1997)
Van stoommachine tot cyborg - Denken over techniek in de nieuwe wereld
[15 juli 2011]
Jacob GRUPPELAAR (1995)
Een wereld van eigen makelij - Een filosofisch commentaar
[13 juli 2011]
Alan COOPER (1999)
The inmates are running the asylum - Why high-tech products drive us crazy and how to restore the sanity
[9 juli 2011]
David BODANIS (2005)
Het elektrisch universum - Een geschiedenis van de elektriciteit
[7 juli 2011]
Edward TENNER (1997)
Why things bite back - Technology and the revenge of unintended consequences
[30 juni 2011]
Donald A. NORMAN (1993)
Things that make us smart - Defending human attributes in the age of the machine
[25 juni 2011]
Marshall MCLUHAN / Quentin FIORE (2005)
The medium is the massage
[21 juni 2011]
Lev MANOVICH (2001)
The language of new media
[9 juni 2011]
Christine L. BORGMAN (2007)
Scholarship in the digital age - Information, infrastructure, and the internet
[4 juni 2011]
Donald A. NORMAN (1999)
The invisible computer - Why good products can fail, the personal computer is so complex, and information appliances are the solution
[29 mei 2011]
Barrie ZWICKER (2006)
Towers of deception – The media cover-up of 9/11
[27 april 2011]
Alex WRIGHT (2007)
Glut – Mastering information through the ages
[24 april 2011]
Hans Chr. VON BAEYER (2003)
Information – The new language of science
[23 april 2011]
Frederick SHEEHAN (2010)
Panderer to power
[17 april 2011]
Bennie MOLS (2005)
Het raadsel van informatie
[16 april 2011]
Informatie – Achtergronden, analyses
[13 april 2011]
Kevin PHILLIPS (2008)
Bad money - Reckless finance, failed politics, and the global crisis of American capitalism
[13 april 2011]
Luciano FLORIDI (2010)
The Cambridge handbook of information and computer ethics
[8 april 2011]
Wolfgang MÜNCHAU (2010)
The meltdown years – The unfolding of the global economic crisis
[6 april 2011]
Manfred STEGER / Ravi ROY (2010)
Neoliberalism – A very short introduction
[3 april 2011]
Francois CROUZET (2001)
A history of the European economy, 1000-2000
[25 maart 2011]
Paul BOWLES (2007)
[23 maart 2011]
James MOOR / Terrell BYNUM (2002)
Cyberphilosophy – The interaction of computing and philosophy
[19 maart 2011]
Louise A. JACKSON (2000)
Child sexual abuse in Victorian England
[14 maart 2011]
Douglas SCHULER / Peter DAY (2004)
Shaping the network society - The new role of civil society in cyberspace
[28 februari 2011]
Vincent MOSCO (2004)
The digital sublime – Myth, power, cyberspace
[23 februari 2011]
G. KUIPERS ea (2003)
Digitaal contact – Het net van de begrensde mogelijkheden
[16 februari 2011]
Hubert L. DREYFUS (2009)
On the Internet – Second Edition
[14 februari 2011]
Francisco VAN JOLE (2001)
Valse horizon – Over internet en maatschappij
[12 februari 2011]
Andrew L. SHAPIRO (1999)
The control revolution - How the Internet is putting individuals in charge and changing the world we know
[6 februari 2011]
Gordon GRAHAM (1999)
The Internet:// A philosophical enquiry
[31 januari 2011]
Patrick RADDEN KEEFE (2005)
Chatter - Hoe iedereen wereldwijd wordt afgeluisterd
[8 januari 2011]
Ben MEZRICH (2009)
The accidental billionaires