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Gelezen in 2014

[30 december 2014]
Michael FOLEY (2010)
The age of absurdity – Why modern life makes it hard to be happy
[25 december 2014]
F.W. TAYLOR (1911)
The principles of scientific management
[19 december 2014]
Rachel CARSON (1962)
Silent spring
[21 oktober 2014]
Garrett HARDIN (1993)
Living within limits – Ecology, economics, and population taboos
[14 september 2014]
Karl POLANYI (1944)
The great transformation - The political and economic origins of our time
[23 augustus 2014]
E.P. THOMPSON (1963)
The making of the English working class
[9 februari 2015]
Douglas DOWD (2000)
Capitalism and its economics – A critical history
[31 juli 2014]
Cas WOUTERS (2012)
De jeugd van tegenwoordig – Emancipatie van liefde en lust sinds 1880
[16 juli 2014]
Frankenstein or the modern Prometheus
[17 juni 2014]
François CROUZET (2001)
A history of the European economy, 1000-2000
[27 mei 2014]
Hans ACHTERHUIS (1998)
De erfenis van de utopie
[18 mei 2014]
Ben GOLDACRE (2012)
Bad pharma – How drug companies mislead doctors and harm patients
[28 april 2014]
Lewis MUMFORD (1967)
The myth of the machine – Technics and human development
[31 maart 2014]
Lewis MUMFORD (1934)
Technics and civilization
[20 februari 2014]
Lewis MUMFORD (1922)
The story of utopias
[6 februari 2014]
Deborah ANAPOL (2010)
Polyamory in the 21st century - Love and intimacy with multiple partners
[19 januari 2014]
Mineko IWASAKI (2002)
Geisha – A life
[13 januari 2014]
Dochie EASTON / Janet HARDY (2009)
The ethical slut - A practical guide to polyamory, open relationships, and other adventure