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"Thanks to recent developments in evo­lutionary biology combined with the latest in technology, there is simply no question whether sexual desire for multiple partners is 'natural'. It is. Similarly, there is simply no question of monogamy being 'natural'. It isn't." David P. BARASH / Judith E. LIPTON - The myth of monogamy - Fidelity and infidelity in animals and people, p. 2

Voorkant Barash-Lipton 'The myth of monogamy - Fidelity and infidelity in animals and people' David P. BARASH / Judith E. LIPTON
The myth of monogamy - Fidelity and infidelity in animals and people
New York: A.W.F. Freeman / Owl Book / Henry Holt & Cie, 2001, 228 blzn.: ISBN-13: 978 08 0507 1368

(1) Chapter One - Monogamy for Beginners

"In attempting to maintain a social and sexual bond consisting exclusively of one man and one woman, aspiring monogamists are going against some of the deepest-seated evolutionary inclinations with which biology has endowed most creatures, Homo sapiens included. As we shall see, there is powerful evidence that human beings are not 'naturally' monogamous, as well as proof that many animals, once thought to be monogamous, are not. To be sure, human beings can be monogamous (and it is another question altogether whether we should be), but make no mistake: It is unusual - and difficult." [mijn nadruk] (1)

[Wel een grappig begin.]

"Marriage is the ultimate sanction and departures from marital monogamy are the ultimate interpersonal sin."(1-2)

Mensen voelen zich zelfs al schuldig wanneer ze seksueel naar een ander verlangen, al handelen ze daar niet naar. Ze denken dat het onnatuurlijk is om zo te voelen wanneer je al een relatie hebt.

"Whether such inclinations are wrong is a difficult, and perhaps unan­swerable, question. But as we shall see, thanks to recent developments in evo­lutionary biology combined with the latest in technology, there is simply no question whether sexual desire for multiple partners is 'natural'. It is. Similarly, there is simply no question of monogamy being 'natural'. It isn't." [mijn nadruk] (2)

"Our approach will be biological, because whatever else human beings may be, we are biological creatures through and through. We eat, we sleep, we feel emotions, we engage in sex, and although we are unique in some regards, so is every other living thing!"(3)

[Ugh ... Ja, maar we zijn dat wel als mensen en andere levende wezens niet. Oké, de auteurs zitten dus op het spoor van biologische verklaringen. De neiging om ontrouw te zijn, de dubbele standaard voor mannen en vrouwen, ze vinden allemaal hun oorzaak in de biologie, zeggen ze. Het ziet er verder niet naar uit dat de auteurs willen praten over wat goed of verkeerd is, misschien leiden ze ook dat af uit de biologie. 'Zo moet het nu eenmaal zijn' - benaderingen. We zullen zien.]

"At the same time, the door was opened to a startling insight - namely, that multiple mating is common in nature. And here is the key point: Mul­tiple mating doesn't refer only to the well-known tendency of males to seek numerous sexual partners, but to females, too."(5)

"Even today, in our supposedly liberated sexual climate, many people get a bit queasy over the image of sperm from more than one man competing within the vagina and uterus of a single woman."(6)

DNA-technologie helpt bij het vaststellen van de afkomst van nakomelingen, iets wat vroeger niet met zekerheid vastgesteld kon worden. Dat heeft het onderzoek op dit terrein een stimulans gegeven en leidde tot andere inzichten.

"As a result, the field of 'biomolecular behavioral ecology' has really taken off, and with it, our understanding of a difference that may sound trivial but is actually profound: between 'social monogamy' and 'sexual monogamy'."(8)

"When asked, men consistently claim to have had more sexual partners than women. As we shall see, it is consistent with evolutionary theory that when it comes to sex, males are comparatively indiscriminate whereas females are likely to be more careful and cautious. But this is only possible if a small number of women make themselves sexually available to a large number of men, because, assuming that every heterosexual encounter involves one man and one woman, the numbers must balance out. There is also strong evidence that men tend to exaggerate their reported number of sexual encounters, while women tend to understate theirs. This discrepancy could result from genuine memory lapses on the part of women and/or unconscious deception (of self and others) by members of both sexes. In addition, social pressures prescribe that having multiple sexual partners (over time, mind you, not necessarily simultaneously) indicates a 'real man', whereas being a 'real' - that is, virtuous - woman has long been equated with monogamous fidelity."(9-10)

"Reports of extra-pair copulations in animals previously thought to be monogamous have come hot and heavy during the last decade or so."(10)

"The pattern is painfully clear: In the animal world generally, and the avian world in particular, there is a whole lot more screwing around than we had thought.(...) When it comes to mammals, monogamy has long been known as a rarity. Out of 4,000 mammal species, no more than a few dozen form reliable pair-bonds ..."(11)

"Two abbreviations will also be useful, and hence repeated throughout: EPC stands for extra-pair copulation, which simply means a copulation in which at least one participant is already socially mated to someone else. In human terms, it is equivalent to an extramarital affair or adultery (if the pair is married) or 'cheating' (if the pair is simply 'going together' or 'dating' so seriously that the EPC violates the other's expectation, knowledge, or con­sent). For our purposes, animals can engage in EPCs no less than people can. Similarly, IPC stands for intra-pair (or in-pair) copulation, which means that two individuals who are socially mated also mate sexually."(14)

[Er wordt met enige humor geschreven en dat bevalt me wel. Verder lijken de auteurs ook goed te zien dát er een sociaal perspectief is, ook al gaat hun aandacht vooral uit naar het biologische perspectief. 'Sociale monogamie' is daarom dus wat anders dan 'seksuele monogamie': je kunt op maatschappelijk niveau wel voor iemand gekozen hebben, maar dat betekent nog niet dat je die keuze ook seksueel-biologisch gemaakt hebt.]

(15) Chapter Two - Undermining the Myth: Males

"Most people, male and female, like sex. But the Maori headman [in het verhaaltje hiervoor - GdG] revealed an acute sensitivity to another pan-cultural human trait: the widespread eagerness of men in particular for sexual variety. This is not to claim that men necessarily seek a nonstop sexual carnival or a lifetime of wildly erotic, simultaneous encounters with multiple partners. But compared to women, men in particular - and, as we shall see, males in general -have a lower threshold for sexual excitation and a greater fondness for sexual variety, or, to look at it more negatively, a penchant for equating monogamy with monotony." [mijn nadruk] (15-16)

"Fundamentally, the 'standard' sociobiological explanation for male-female differences is a matter of sperm and eggs."(16)

Het onderscheid tussen mannen en vrouwen wordt dus niet gemaakt op basis van geslachtsdelen en secundaire geslachtskenmerken, zelfs niet op wie nakomelingen baart (dat zijn bij sommige dieren - zeepaardjes bijvoorbeeld - de mannetjes).

"It turns out that whether one is an egg-maker or a sperm-maker has important consequences.(...) Sperm are cheap and readily replaced; eggs are expensive and hard to come by. Not surprisingly, therefore, we find that males are generally profligate with their sperm, whereas females tend to be careful and choosy about how they dispose of their eggs."(16)

"Trivers showed that when there is a big difference between the parental investment offered by members of the two sexes, the sex investing more (nearly always female) will become a valued 'resource', sought after by individuals of the sex investing less (nearly always male). Several important consequences flow from this. For one thing, males tend to compete with each other for access to females. This is because females have something of great value: their eggs or, in the case of mammals, their promise of a placenta and, eventually, lactation. Not only that, but successful males may get to inseminate numerous females, whereas unsuccessful males have nothing to show for their efforts. As a result, natural selection will generally favor males that succeed in their competition with other males and that therefore are relatively big and aggressive, outfitted with dangerous weapons (fangs, tusks, antlers, horns) and a propensity for bluff, bluster, and violence as well as sexual adventuring.
Moreover, because females generally provide such abundant parental investment, males are in many cases superfluous in terms of the success of any offspring produced. As a result, they are 'liberated' to pursue as many additional reproductive opportunities as they can find."(17-18)

"But when it comes to the correlation between low parental investment and high sexual appetite, this rule is pretty close to being proven."(20)

[Het punt is dat zo'n evolutionair-biologische beschrijving kan kloppen, maar desondanks niets zegt over menselijke verhoudingen. Zo'n biologisch gegeven zegt niet dat mannen en vrouwen bij mensen zich ook zo gedragen en al helemaal niet hoe mannen en vrouwen bij mensen zich zouden moeten gedragen en iedereen die zich op dit soort biologische gegevens baseert om het gedrag van mannen en/of vrouwen te verdedigen of te verontschuldigen zit daarom fout. Desondanks is dat precies wat er de hele tijd gebeurt, in boeken en erbuiten. Dat kan alleen wanneer je mensen op gelijke hoogte zet met dieren en een fatalistische benadering hebt: mensen zijn nu eenmaal zo, niets aan te doen, het zit in hun genen, in hun biologie. Dat weer betekent dat je mensen niet neemt voor wat ze zijn: sociale wezens die hun biologische kant voortdurend overstijgen of moeten overstijgen en integreren in een menselijk (biopsychosociaal-historisch) bestaan. Ze vinden bijvoorbeeld anticonceptie uit zodat dat hele verhaal over 'ouderlijke investering' niet meer hoeft op te gaan, omdat seks tussen mannen en vrouwen niet meer als vanzelf tot zwangerschap en nakomelingen hoeft te leiden. Dat doorkruist dus ook alle beschrijvingen die zeggen dat vrouwen de meest aantrekkelijke, lees vruchtbare en reproductief succesvolle, mannetjes kiezen die door hun uiterlijke kenmerken ook onder de mannetjes een vooraanstaande positie hebben. Het gaat niet meer om reproductie, dus zijn ook die typische mannelijke eigenschappen niet meer relevant. Het gaat nu bijvoorbeeld meer om van seks genieten en dat betekent dat heel andere kenmerken van mannetjes belangrijk zijn. Sensitiviteit voor de verlangens van vrouwen zou een goede kandidaat kunnen zijn.]

[Dat geldt overigens ook voor mensen die monogamie willen verdedigen. Je moet het nooit verdedigen met een beroep op 'de natuur', want dan maak je genoemde fout. Je zou het moeten en kunnen verdedigen door te zeggen: met 'de natuur' heb ik niets te maken, ik vind dat mensen monogaam horen te zijn om die en die redenen - volgen in het gunstige geval maatschappelijke en individuele belangenafwegingen, in het slechte geval een beroep op religie.]

"Several studies have confirmed that poor-quality males are generally more concerned with mate-guarding than are their high-quality counterparts, and for good reason, since females whose mates are less desirable are more inclined to seek EPCs. Males in poor condition are the Avis of Aves: They try harder.
And not only birds: It must be noted that among human beings, less attractive men invest more time and money in their mates than do men who are more attractive."(35)

[Hier heb je zo'n gevaarlijke overgang. Wat immers is 'minder aantrekkelijk' op dierlijk niveau en wat is het op menselijk niveau? Er wordt hier geen onderscheid gemaakt en aantrekkelijkheid wordt in beide gevallen in verband gebracht met succes in voortplanting. Waar het bij mensen dus al lang niet meer over gaat.]

"By this point, it should be clear that males work awfully hard to obtain EPCs and, similarly, to prevent rival males from getting any at their expense. For animals, at least, the underlying reason for all this mateguarding, gallivanting, and sperm competition is the proverbial bottom line: not financial profit, but an evolutionary bonus in the form of reproductive success. A male's reproductive success is gravely threatened if his mate has an EPC or - worse yet - an EPF (extra-pair fertilization). To put it bluntly, there is no payoff to rearing someone else's offspring."(45)

"In any event, there is simply no question that Susan Brownmiller, author of the best-selling book Against Our Will , was flat-out wrong when she asserted that rape is unique to human beings. It is not.
Rape also appears to be common among primates, having been reported in rhesus monkeys, talapoin monkeys, vervet monkeys, stumptail macaque monkeys, Japanese macaques, spider monkeys, gray langurs, gorillas, chim­panzees, and orangutans."(51-52)

[Kan zijn, maar dat is nooit hetzelfde als verkrachting bij mensen, omdat dwang bij dieren niet in een heel veld van betekenissen plaatsvindt zoals bij mensen het geval is. Ook hier is een overgang van dier naar mens niet zo maar te maken, zoals hier gebeurt.]

"The usual assumption among evolutionary biologists is that male sexual behavior is geared toward quantity of offspring, whereas its female counterpart is geared toward quality. This, in turn, is achieved by men being oriented toward quantity of sexual partners, and women, toward their quality. Monogamy, when adhered to, enforces a similar strategy on both men and women. It is in the realm of EPCs, on the other hand, that such male-female differences between quantity and quality are most likely to be revealed."(55)

(57) Chapter Three - Undermining the Myth: Females (Choosing Male Genes)

"It had long been thought that females of most species were the 'flip-side' of males: Their yearning for cozy monogamous domesticity was supposed to be about as strong as the male tendency to mate with as many different partners as possible. Whereas males were known to gallivant and try to sow their wild oats, their 'wives', it was assumed, stayed home - at the nest or den - minding the hearth, duti­fully bearing young fertilized by their 'husbands'. The males had a fond­ness for philandering; females supposedly did not.
This expectation of a double standard in the animal world may have been soothing to the ego and also perhaps to the unspoken anxieties of many biologists ... the majority of whom have long been male. But DNA fingerprinting and associated technologies have changed all that forever, confirming that, at least in some cases, females practice less than perfect sexual fidelity."(57-58)

[Waarom nu ineens dat voorzichtige 'at least in some cases'?]

"Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of benefits females can gain by mating with someone other than their identified partner. They can profit indirectly, via superior offspring fathered because of the EPC, or they can profit directly, gaining material benefits for themselves as well as their descendants. In this chapter, we'll examine the genetic or indirect benefits; in the next, we turn elsewhere."(59)

"This is in fact a useful way to look at the phenomenon of EPCs: They provide females with additional opportunities for choice, selecting a genetic partner independent - if need be - of their social partner."(62)

Doel kan zijn: het vermijden van inteelt.

"By multiple mating, a questing female seems likely to increase the chance that she will find a partner who is genetically different from herself."(63)

"More plausible yet are a variety of EPC-related tactics by which females enhance the likelihood that their eggs will be combined with the best possible male genes."(65)

[Ook hier is de voortplanting de hele tijd leidend in de redeneringen.]

"Most of the time, moreover, females choose their EPC partners from among the ranks of married males - who are likely to be of higher quality - rather than mating on the side with bachelors, who are generally bachelors for good reasons (that is, they were unsuccessful in obtaining a mate in the first place because of being lower quality)."(70)

[Ook hier kan het verschil tussen dieren en mensen enorm zijn. Het zou toch wel erg gevaarlijk zijn om die lijn van 'higher quality - lower quality' kritiekloos door te trekken naar mensen en hun relaties.]

"There is a widespread tendency for females to prefer dominant males when it comes to bestowing their EPC favors. Dominant male cattle egrets and white ibis - who are successful in male-male fights - are particularly likely to obtain EPCs."(74)

[Idem. En ook voor het vervolgverhaal dat het hebben van goede genen zou blijken uit de symmetrie van een dier. ]

"It turns out that males with low asymmetry have high mating success and vice versa; males who are symmetrical are widely seen as attractive, and vice versa for those who are lopsided. This has been found for a variety of animals, from insects to primates."(76)

"More symmetry equals better looking. Not only that, but symmetrical men generally have a relatively high number of sexual partners, so the judgment by women isn't merely theoretical! Women even report more orgasms when having sex with symmetrical men."(76)

"You might have noticed at least two logical problems with all this. First, the information on numbers of EPCs was obtained by so-called self-reports, that is, what people say they did, as distinct from what they actually have done. This may be a serious, if unavoidable, problem. On the other hand, difficulty arises only if symmetrical (or asymmetrical) people are consistently prone to exaggerate (or, alternatively, understate) their frequency of sexual dalliances . . . situations that seem unlikely. A second potential problem is one of interpretation: Even if his physical symmetry genuinely correlates with a man's extra-pair copulations, it isn't clear, for example, whether women are attuned to the actual physical symmetry of potential sexual partners or whether symmetry correlates with something else (self-confidence, unknown pheromones, cosmic emanations, whatever)."(77)

[Precies. Het is heel gevaarlijk om maar één factor te willen benadrukken bij iets wat zo ingewikkeld is. De keus voor seksuele partners is niet zo simpel: ook al zijn er allerlei mogelijke factoren die zouden duidelijk maken dat er meer 'goede genen' bij een mannetje zijn of dat de kans op gezonde sterke nakomelingen bij een specifiek mannetje groter is, dan nog is de vraag welke factor doorslaggevend was. En natuurlijk opnieuw: wat met mensen in een wereld die niet noodzakelijk meer draait om reproductie?]

(87) Chapter Four - Undermining the Myth: Females (Other Considerations)

Nog een andere 'simpele' verklaring die misschien ook helemaal niet zo simpel is als het lijkt. In de evolutionaire / sociale biologie is inmiddels al standaard sprake vam polyandrie: vrouwen die seks hebben met meer mannen (tegenover polygynie: mannen die seks hebben met meer vrouwen; van de andere kant tegenover monandrie: vrouwen die seks hebben met maar één man).

"Thus, a socially monogamous female may also be monandrous, in which case her sexual life matches her social life - she mates only with one male. Or she might combine social monogamy with genetic polyandry, having EPCs with more than one male."(88)

Waarom hebben vrouwtjes zo vaak seks, al of niet met dezelfde persoon, zelfs als ze al bevrucht zijn? En waarom gebeurt dat bij sommige dieren ook niet?

[Volgen allerlei verklaringen die geen van alle overtuigend zijn of gewoonweg allemaal mogelijk zijn. Wat moet ik met al die feiten over alle mogelijke diersoorten? Je kunt toch geen conclusies trekken over mensen vanuit dit soort gegevens.]

(113) Chapter Five - Why Does Monogamy Occur At All?

"To be sure, monogamy is rare. But it does happen sometimes, and so logic suggests that it must - at least on occasion - have something going for it. There are several possibilities, some of them unique to human beings and others that seem to apply to animals generally. Let's look at the general pat­terns first."(113)

[Volgen weer allerlei mogelijkheden die in de natuur voorkomen, waarbij over mensen weer gepraat wordt alsof het dieren zijn. Ik vind dit totaal oninteressant. Wat er later aan verklaringen van menselijke monogamie gegeven wordt is ontstellend oppervlakkig.]

(139) Chapter Six - What Are Human Beings, 'Naturally'?

"At the same time, everything we do, everything we are, is a consequence not only of our internal 'human nature' but also of our experiences. There is no way to know for certain what human beings would be like without the influence of the environment, since a person without an environment could not survive, not to mention behave in interesting and meaningful ways. Nonetheless, people keep trying to tease apart the roles of experience, environment, culture, social tradition, and so forth, hoping to get a glimpse of what 'naked, unaccommodated man' (as Shakespeare's Lear put it) is like." [mijn nadruk] (139)

"Even though such efforts can easily be caricatured, there is nonetheless something meaningful about asking what human beings, deep inside, really and truly, unconstrained by civilization - or at least, minimally constrained - naturally are. To be sure, no one lives in a pure state of nature, but if we look both intensively and extensively at human beings, it is possi­ble to discern some patterns that persist. One such pattern concerns monogamy, polygamy, and EPCs." [mijn nadruk] (140)

[Hoe tegenstrijdig: eerst - terecht - zeggen dat we niets kunnen zeggen of weten over de menselijke natuur los van zijn omgeving / cultuur etc, en dan vervolgens toch een poging wagen om die menselijke natuur te vinden en te beschrijven. Wanneer bepaalde gedragskenmerken crosscultureel zijn zouden ze in de biologische natuur zitten, etc. Maar hoe weten we dat ze werkelijk crosscultureel zijn? En ook al zouden ze dat zijn, dan is dat nog geen argument dat mensen zo moeten zijn. Ook in verderop beschreven onderzoeken onder mensen loopt alles weer door elkaar: de cultuur in de gegeven antwoorden wordt niet eens geconstateerd.]

(181) Chapter Seven - So What?

"As to the procrustean nature of monogamy inhibiting some of our deeper inclinations, isn't that what growing up is all about? After all, as we get older, we are all expected to do what is permitted and inhibit what is forbidden: we learn toilet training, not to hit or bite, to say please and thank you, and generally to rein ourselves in. Many things are natural but unpleasant: trichinosis, warts, hurricanes. So even if enforced monogamy is in some sense 'unnatural', this doesn't necessarily mean that it is undesirable. (It also doesn't have to be unpleasant . . . but that is another story, and per­haps another book!) Those animal species that are reliably monogamous­ - a declining list - are sexually faithful because they have no real choice. But people do. In this regard, our biology is neither overweening nor even a worthwhile guide. Certainly it is no excuse.
Whatever our natural inclinations, there is no doubt that human beings are biologically and psychologically capable of having sex with more than one person, often in fairly rapid succession. The evidence is also over­whelming that many people are capable not only of 'making love to' but also of loving more than one person at the same time. But we are socially prohibited from doing either. This social prohibition is a powerful one, and in the long run, it generally wins, although usually not without a struggle and often with some short-term defeats. And that struggle - experienced as occasional brief flings for a night or a weekend, long extramarital relationships over months or years, or just fantasized encounters - may be the source of some of the most complex, intense, and confusing emotions that human beings experience." [mijn nadruk] (190)

[Hie zie je dat iemand die waarschijnlijk wel op de hoogte is van de empirisch vastgestelde wetensschappelijke feiten meent op een even betrouwbare manier iets te kunnen zeggen over waarden en normen.]

"Society, with its expectation of monogamy, establishes the boundaries of who is and who is not an acceptable sexual partner. Marriage, it is assumed, narrows this field considerably: to just one individual. Some may find this stultifying, others reassuring, since it generates a haven of surety and confi­dence, a womb with a view, ideally free of the brawls of sexual competition.
No other marital pattern - polygyny, polyandry, group marriage, 'open' marriage - has been shown to work better. Nonetheless, monogamy does not work perfectly, and throughout history people have been delighted and bedeviled, energized and agonized, by monogamy and by departures from it. On balance, perhaps monogamy is like Winston Churchill's description of democracy: the worst possible system, except when you consider the alternatives." [mijn nadruk] (190-191)

[Hier wordt even vergeten om te vermelden wat de maatstaven zijn om te kunnen spreken van 'has been shown to work better". Wanneer, op grond waarvan zeggen we dat iets beter werkt dan iets anders? Welke bronnen gebruiken de auteurs om dit te beweren?]

"This is not to say that monogamy - even happy, fulfilled monogamy - is impossible, because, in fact, it is altogether within the realm of human pos­sibility. But since it is not natural, it is not easy. Similarly, this is not to say that monogamy isn't desirable, because there is very little connection, if any, between what is natural or easy and what is good."(191)

"The perfect fit of a good monogamous marriage is made, not born. And despite the fact that much of our biology seems to tug in the opposite direction, such marriages can in fact be made. It is an everyday miracle.
The miracle of monogamy comes in all forms; it is not a one-size-fits­ all garment. Just as its details are unique to each couple, there is something unique and wonderful about human monogamy, a lifelong marriage, as it were, between love and intellect (two qualities by which human beings are also extraordinary among animals)."(191-192)

[Tja, als je dat zegt ...]

"A marriage that works, that provides comfort and support for a couple, may be the most felicitous arrangement for creative productivity."(192)

"Homo sapiens is a rather long-lived species, and thus, along with monogamy's contribution to child-rearing, gene-assuring, resource-sharing, and predator-protecting, it is possible to glimpse yet another benefit of this peculiar mating system: By establishing a durable, long-term relationship with someone who not only cares, but also shares an expanding history, who understands one's strengths, weaknesses, joys, and despairs, the successful monogamist assures himself and herself a companion for life, long after the children (if any) have grown, when work is no longer an option, when even sex may be mostly a memory, at just the time when two devoted people can keep track of the doctor appointments, change each other's senior diapers, and sit together, watching the sun set."(192)

[Ik vermoedde al dat het hier op zou uitdraaien. Wat wil je ook in een boek dat door een intellectueel echtpaar geschreven is. Waarschijnlijk vinden ze zich een miraculeus echtpaar. Juist omdat het biologische aspect bij mensen uiteindelijk niets zegt en het bij mensen gaat over de integratie in een sociale werkelijkheid, is het heel gemakkelijk om de biologie verder te vergeten en de normatieve loftrompet te steken over het monogame huwelijk. En dat wordt hier dan ook gedaan, met een kritiekloos paternalisme, een pseudowijsheid en met vooral geen enkel bewijs voor het falen van andere relatievormen. De eerste zes hoofdstukken waren dus in feite overbodig. En wat er had moeten zijn is er niet: een goede sociaalwetenschappelijke beschrijving en analyse van intermenselijke (seksuele) relaties, monogamie en andere leefvormen, etc. etc.]