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Gelezen in 2015

[28 november 2015]
Martin de GRAAF (1975)
Seks - Kultuur - Politiek - Inventarisatie en analyse van visies op de relaties tussen seksualiteit en samenleving
[26 september 2015]
Michael KING (1999)
Moral agendas for children's welfare
[17 september 2015]
Judith HERMAN (1981, 2000)
Father-daughter incest – With a new afterword
[13 september 2015]
Love the sin - Sexual regulation and the limits of religious tolerance
[31 augustus 2015]
Geoffrey PARRINDER (1980)
Sexual morality in the world religions
[18 augustus 2015]
Linda G. MILLS (2003)
Insult to injury – Rethinking our response to intimate abuse
[10 augustus 2015]
Kerry COHEN (2011)
Dirty little secrets – Breaking the silence on teenage girls and promiscuity
[6 augustus 2015]
Alayne YATES (1978)
Sex without shame – Encouraging the child's healthy sexual development
[3 augustus 2015]
James R KINCAID (1998)
Erotic innocence – The culture of child molesting
[23 juli 2015]
Susan CLANCY (2009)
The trauma myth – The truth about the sexual abuse of children – and its aftermath
[24 juni 2015]
Paul HALPERN (2015)
Einstein's dice and Schrödinger's cat – How two great minds battle quantum randomness
[18 juni 2015]
Joris LUYENDIJK (2015)
Dit kan niet waar zijn - Onder bankiers
[12 juni 2015]
Brian ASHCRAFT / Shoko UEDA (2014)
Japanese schoolgirl confidential – How teenage girls make a nation cool
[28 mei 2015]
Alan WOOD (2005)
Stalin and Stalinism - Second Edition
[24 mei 2015]
Judith LEVINE (2002)
Harmful to minors - The perils of protecting children from sex
[14 mei 2015]
Michael POLANYI (1958)
Personal knowledge - Towards a post-critical philosophy
[14 april 2015]
Alfred TAUBER (2001)
Henri David Thoreau and the moral agency of knowing
[14 maart 2015]
Isaiah BERLIN (1990)
Het kromme hout waarvan de mens gemaakt is
[februari -mei 2015]
PLATO (428 – 348 vC)
Het verzamelde werk
[9 februari 2015]
Ferdinand TÖNNIES (1887)
Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft - Grundbegriffe der reinen Soziologie
[22 januari 2015]
Martin BUBER (1945)
Paths to utopia
[18 januari 2015]
Karl MANNHEIM (1936)
Ideologie and utopia - An introduction to the sociology of knowledge
[7 januari 2015]
Ernst BLOCH (1918)
Geist der Utopie