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Gelezen in 2013

[23 november 2013]
Marianne BRANDON (2010)
Monogamy – The untold story
[13 november 2013]
Annemarie DE WAAL MALEFIJT (1975)
Beelden van de mens – Geschiedenis van de culturele antropologie
[8 november 2013]
David P. BARLACH / Judith E. LIPTON (2001)
The myth of monogamy - Fidelity and infidelity in animals and people
[27 oktober 2013]
Anton BLOK (1977)
Antropologische perspectieven
[21 oktober 2013]
Peter GAY (1970)
The Enlightenment – An interpretation; Volume 02: The science of freedom
[15 oktober 2013]
Aldous HUXLEY (1979)
Het menselijk bestaan
[12 oktober 2013]
Over de natuur van mensen - Inleiding in de filosofische antropologie
[9 oktober 2013]
R. BAKKER (1981)
Wijsgerige antropologie van de twintigste eeuw
[5 oktober 2013]
Valerie TIBERIUS (2008)
The reflective life – Living wisely with our limits
[27 september 2013]
Bernard DELFGAAUW (1987)
Filosofie van de vervreemding, deel 1 tot en met deel 4
[20 september 2013]
William OPHULS (1977)
Ecology and the politics of scarcity - Prologue to a political theory of the steady state
[10 september 2013]
Richard HEINBERG (2011)
The end of growth - Adapting to our new economic reality
[2 september 2013]
Tim JACKSON (2009)
Prosperity witout growth - Economics for a finite planet
[26 augustus 2013]
Diana SCHUMACHER (2011)
Small is beautiful in the 21st century - The legacy of E.F. Schumacher
[24 augustus 2013]
Small is beautiful - A study of economics as if people mattered
[16 augustus 2013]
Daniël VAN DEN BRINK (2007)
Moderniteit als opgave - Een antwoord aan relativisme en conservatisme
[9 augustus 2013]
Bruno LATOUR (1993)
We have never been modern
[3 augustus 2013]
The googlization of everything (and why we should worry)
[28 juli 2013]
Bruno LATOUR (1987)
Science in action - How to follow scientists and engineers through society
[22 juli 2013]
Albert BENSCHOP (2013)
Cyberoorlog – Slagveld Internet
[20 juli 2013]
Donald L. MILLER (1989)
Lewis Mumford – A life
[7 juli 2013]
Herbert MARCUSE (1964)
One-dimensional man - Studies in the ideology of advanced industrial society
[1 juli 2013]
Andrew FEENBERG (1999)
Questioning technology
[19 juni 2013]
Nicholas CARR (2010)
The shallows - How the internet is changing the way we read, think and remember
[16 juni 2013]
Langdon WINNER (1986)
The whale and the reactor - A search for limits in an age of high technology
[8 juni 2013]
Kirkpatrick SALE (1995)
Rebels against the future - The Luddites and their war on the Industrial Revolution - Lessons for the computer age
[31 mei 2013]
Neil POSTMAN (1985 / 2006)
Amusing ourselves to death - Public discourse in the age of show business (20th Anniversary Edition)
[23 mei 2013]
Ted KACZYNSKI (1995)
The road to revolution (Technical Slavery)
[4 mei 2013]
Elizabeth ABBOTT (2010)
A history of marriage
[20 februari 2013]
Peter GAY (1970)
The Enlightenment – An Interpretation; Volume 01: The rise of modern paganism
[20 januari 2013]
Paul ABRAMSON (2010)
Sex appeal – Six ethical principles for the 21st century
[7 januari 2013]
Sheila JEFFREYS (2005)
Beauty and mysogyny – Harmful cultural practices in the West